Incident Chronicle

Incidents management have always been an integral part of IT operations. Incident management system keeps software operations running and productive by ensuring end users can connect to IT support to raise and track issues via web or mobile self-service tools or virtual agents.

Reassigned 55%
Times Average Bounce 1.75

Incident Triage

Once logged, originator assesses the nature of incident and assigns it to the corresponding support team for resolution based on limited knowledge or prior experience. The Incident Analyst receives an assigned incident and determines whether it can be resolved with the tools and expertise available within the team. If the incident cannot be resolved, the analyst seeks for the right developers to reassign. This step is called as incident tossing which can significantly increase:

  • MTTR
  • IT Operations Cost
  • SLA Breach
  • Service Downtime Cost
  • Poor Customer Satisfaction

iTRIAGE Incident Management

An empirical study on conventional incident triage shows incorrect assignment of incident occurs frequently and incurs unnecessary IT cost, especially for the incidents with high severity. Usage of iTRIAGE eliminates manual incident ownership determination saving several man-hours, also ensures significant improvement of direct assignment of incidents to correct team. Thus reduces lost productivity incurred by different teams into due to reassignments.

Average tossing per bug
30 Min
Efficiency gain by direct assingment

Return on Investment (ROI)

A global survey of IT Professionals reveals that 71% cases it takes an average 30 minutes to manually assess incident ownership. iTRIAGE completely automates the manual assignment process involved in each incident, resulting in savings of several man-hours at first place. It also ensures 84% improvement in direct incident assignment process , reducing unnecessary resource utilization cost incurred by “Incident Tossing”.

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